Thursday, 30 January 2014

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Best Flipkart Offers 2014 - Coupons, Mega deals, Vouchers, Discounts

Best Flipkart Offers 2014 - Coupons, Mega deals, Vouchers, Discounts

Hello Friends, today I have come up with some great offers from Online shopping is now one of the most common method adopted all over the world. It is considered as one of the best forms of shopping due the vast number of advantages provided by it. In India itself 30% of shopping is done online via sites like Amazon, Flipkart, E-bay etc. 

Flipkart is one of the best and successful Indian online shopping place which ranks above amazon and ebay in India. I'm sure many of you reading this post are themselves been part of it. So today I will be bringing you the best deals, discounts and offers on flipkart. 

Before buying many of us search for vouchers or discount or coupons to lower the price but let me tell you that Flipkart don't have the system of coupons on their site. Vouchers also cannot be found online. Now you are left with just discount links. Whenever you search for these on net, you will come up with many sites and posts like " Flipkart Coupons 2014", "Flipkart Vouchers free" etc etc.  

UPTO 70% off on CLOTHING

In this post you will be seeing many widgets of Flipkart. They are all discount links or mega offers provided by flipkart. So if you want to buy something try from the banners and other widgets displayed on this page.

Extra 15% off on Fashion Accessories 

Upto 50% off on Smart Phones and Laptops click here

Upto 60% off on Footwear. Don't miss this one.

If you want to buy something that is not displayed, Don't worry, Just use the search box we have embedded for you. 
IF you need anything just comment below, we will provide best offer for you.

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Tuesday, 28 January 2014

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Risky SEO Tricks: Is It Worth It ?

 Risky SEO Tricks: Is It Worth It ?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is all about making your website more search engine friendly. This means abiding by the rules of the search engines and taking into account the guidelines they give out too, not that they are very forthcoming with most of their guidelines. This article deals with Google, since it is the biggest and most popular search engine of all time.

Risky SEO: Is it worth it ?

A risk means there is something to lose

If you are taking part in risky SEO then you are taking a risk, and that means there is something to lose. If there is nothing to lose then it is just called, �doing stuff.� If you are going to take the risk then consider all the things you have to lose. Even if you having trouble figuring out what all the Google punishments will be if you fail, just remember what you have to lose, in which case you will have more idea of if what you are about to do is a good idea.

What if you have nothing to lose?

Risky SEO: Is it worth it ?If you are in this position then you may be thinking you have nothing to lose because it is a new hosting account, new website, new domain and a new idea. There may not be a business behind the website, in which case you may consider the fact that you have very little to lose. But, if you are going to start risky SEO and you have all of these things (and do not have a business behind your website that you may lose), then you are going to need a few other things. You are going to need to hide your information from the world with something such as VPS and cloaking accounts that hackers use. You are also going to need email addresses that you can burn if the poop hits the proverbial fan.

How long can such tricks work?

Fake and villainous SEO companies make their living by how long they can partake of risky SEO, and it really depends. Some people start out with a bit of risky SEO and have their website sandboxed by the end of the week, and yet others are able to pull it off for months, especially if the SEO trick is spinning content.

As a rule of thumb, the longest it takes Google to figure something out is about two months, and that is going on the fact that it can take as long as 2 months for them to read your xml sitemap (that is all that the 2 months figure is based on).

Weighing up the potential gain against potential loss

Let�s say that you are not in the position mentioned earlier where you have nothing to lose. Let�s say you do have something to lose. You have to weigh up what you may lose with what you will gain. If you run a business, then you could lose the ability to post a website for that business that runs on the Google search engine. That is only for a small while, as you could start up with a new IP address, host and domain name, but how is that going to affect your credibility? It is up to you to weigh up the pros and cons of your risk.

If you read it then you are not the first to try it

The fact that people do not know this is pitiful. There are no secrets online. If you have read something online then you are not the only one to find it locked away in a remote part of the Internet. If you have read it then so have others, which means it is not a secret and Google are probably already on it to try and stop it.

Is it not just SEO as oppose to a trick?

Some people call regular SEO a trick. The fact is that SEO has a lot of factors because Google are supposed to measure over 200 factors. Even if there were only three tips per factor then you are looking at around 600 SEO tips. So, are you sure what you are about to do is actually risky?

Where did you find this so called �trick�?

Risky SEO: Is it worth it ?The credibility of the place you found it should be part of your decision making process. If you found it on a website that ranked 120,000 on the search engine results, then maybe they don�t know too much about search engine optimization. Check your source and get further advice before taking SEO risks.

Author bio:
Sonia J. is the author of this post. She's also in a team of Writing Service Assistant that helps students to find the most reliable and professional writing service. 
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Saturday, 25 January 2014

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Funny Google Tricks 2014

Funny Google Tricks 2014

Hey friends, After so many posts on tutorials I think its time to have some fun post. Alright then, So in this post I will be sharing with you guys some of the best funny google tricks that you can have fun with. I know you may find these tricks all over the internet but what I have done is just collected all tricks and will be presenting in a single post so that you may not have to open up many different sites. I'm not adding snaps for each trick as it may ruin the fun of trying. 

So, lets have some fun with these :) 


When you type Askew or Tilt on google, it tilts the search results page.


When you type this word on search, you will asked again that "did you mean RECURSION". Check out HERE 

Do A Barrel Roll

When you search for this keyword, the page will start rotating in Clockwise Direction. Click HERE

Google Space

Type this and see everything floating. Check here 

Google Sphere

This may not work for some, however you can Check out Here 

Google Heart

This one is quite lovely and mathematical. I just laughed when I saw this at first. To see a heart you need to search the given calculations on google search. It will do calculations and bring you a graph plotted in heart shape.
Here's the code below, do some changes and check the results. 
(sqrt(cos(x))*cos(400*x)+sqrt (abs(x))-0.4)*(4-x*x)^0.01

Zerg Rush

This is a game which is quite interesting. When you type Zerg Rush on google, aliens zergs start coming to your result in the shape of '0'. All you have to do is just kill those and get as many points as you can. You can also share your points on G+.


Type "Binary" on google search and check out. It will show the number of results as "About 0b1000101000010011010000 results". Quite odd.   

Atari Breakout 

This one is really interesting and not known by many people. For this just type Atari Breakout on Google search and then click Image results. A game will start automatically. 


This trick is one of the oldest and known by almost every individual who uses google. Just type Google Gravity and see what happens.

One Does Not Walk into Mordor

This one is specially for Lord Of The Rings fans. For this just go to google maps and search as follows

From= The Shire
To= Mordor

Check out the results by yourself or just click here

There are many other tricks but those are usually other sites with altered scripts of google while the above mentioned are only google tricks. Share this trick with others and comment below your favorite trick or any other new trick you've found. 

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Wednesday, 22 January 2014

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Interview 1: Meet Jordan DeLozier - The Man Behind SEOCLERKS

Interview 1: Meet Jordan DeLozier - The man behind SEOCLERKS


Hi friends, today I'm very excited to bring our first interview. Jordan DeLozier, the owner of world's biggest online Marketplace I am very glad to him as he gave his valuable time to me for the interview. He is really a person of great caliber and I loved to interview him. So let's welcome him to IFTISEO.

Jordan Delozier

Firstly, I'm glad to welcome you to IFTISEO. 

Thanks, it's my pleasure.

Tell us about yourself, your background?

I grew up in Hendersonville, NC where I currently reside. I've always been interested in computers/technology and was 8 years old when I received my first computer, a Packard Bell 286 with 12Mb of HDD. I've worked with computers ever since both professionally and as a scholar. I spend all day at work on them and come home to work on personal projects.  My degree is in computer programming which I've done since a very young age. 

Tell me about the time you realized you had the power to do something big and meaningful?

I can't pin it down to one moment in my life but as a programmer I realized that I had the ability to automate things people were doing manually. This is powerful. I created several tools that helped people do their jobs better and more efficiently. This is the idea behind SEOClerks, ListingDock and CodeClerks. A self-serve, automated and secure marketplace to buy and sell.  

When and how did the idea of SEOClerks form in your mind?

I was running a forum, (which was sold some time ago) several years ago and I attempted to create a marketplace within the forums. It didn't work well as it was a just a forum. However, talking with the users it became apparent there was a need for an SEO marketplace that offered people the ability to buy SEO services without being scammed. A lot of the people I hired and the people on the forums that hired other people all had the same issue, being scammed. There was no marketplace dedicated to SEO at the time.

SEOClerks was created to be a safe, secure marketplace that held money in escrow until the job was completed by the seller and signed off on by the buyer. SEOClerks was first promoted via signature links on that forum. 

There are many other online marketplaces, how is SEOClerks different from them?

  • We pay instantly via PayPal
  • We pay the fees for your PayPal (and other payment methods) so you get 100% of what you earn.
  • We pay 10% for all affiliate purchases for life, not 3 months or less like many marketplaces.
  • We offer an API that can be used to create your own marketplace entirely of your design.
  • We support several payment methods (PayPal, BitCoin, Credit Card, Payza)
  • We support several pay out methods (PayPal, Payoneer, Payza, MoneyGram)
  • We work with both sellers and buyer for a fair resolution to any dispute. Each ticket is answered by a real person who analyzes the ticket. 
  • We constantly add new features with the majority of new features suggested by our community
  • We will be offering 100% earnings for any order of clients you refer to yourself
  • Social Bumps
  • WTB/WTT sections
  • A PM system that resembles email with IM like chat features
  • Follow/Unfollow users for status updates, new service creation and more 
  • Recommendations
  • More stats that allow buyers to determine great sellers
  • Shared user system between SEOClerks, ListingDock and CodeClerks

Tell us about Ionicware. What is it actually ? 

Ionicware is the company that owns all of the marketplaces. The company is Ionicware Inc. and is an s-corporation in NC. I've had the company name since I was a teenager when I sold reading software to help dyslexic students. 

How much time did it take for you to setup this network (Ionicware )?


Any other project you are working on?

Currently we are working on, and (a rank tracker). 

Have you achieved your goals?

My personal and business goals are always changing. As I reach one, a new one is formed. Without goals, we are aimless. 

Anything else you would like to add? Your words to our readers and other SEO professionals?

Thanks for the interview and thank you (readers) for reading. If you are an SEO professional or in need of SEO, we welcome you to SEOClerks. If you sell code, check out and for everything else, feel free to join ListingDock.  

I hope Guys you liked the interview. Please comment below your SEOCLERKS experiences. 
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Monday, 20 January 2014

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How To Show Adsense Ads Below Every Post Title

Hello Friends, I've been recently asked by many bloggers on How To Show Adsense Ads Below Every Post Title. So I thought of sharing a post on it rather than explaining individually to everyone.

Almost every blogger prefer AdSense on their Blogs or Websites as it is the best available Monetizing medium to earn money. To maximize the earnings, the ads need to be placed properly on suitable places. Besides Banner and Sidebar, There is one more place where you should place your ads. Its below your Post Title. Infact, it has the best CTR as compared to other Units.

Many of them will prefer to put Ads between their posts, but it may prove dangerous. Dangerous in the sense that you may get warning from AdSense or even you may lose your AdSense account. This is because if you read the rules and policies of Google Adsense it is clearly stated that placing Ads near posts so that it may look as if its post image or post part will not be allowed. SO being on the safer side, its better to opt placing Ads below the title and then starting the post content. 

Now one more problem arises, How to put Adsense Ads below every post because manually its nearly impossible. To do so you need to make some changes on your template. Lets get started

Steps To Put Adsense Ads Below Every Post Title

  • First of all make an Ad unit of your preferred size (Use Rectanges or Squares Ad units for best results) from your AdSense Account and convert the Ad unit to change special characters from this ADSENSE CONVERTER TOOL
  • Now open your blogger template editor page.
  • Press CTRL+F and search for the below code 
 Note:- You may find the code 2-3 times in your template as per your template. You have to try in all of them. 

  • Now paste your converted AdSense code ABOVE <data:post.body/> in the given format. In place of CONVERTED AD CODE paste your AdSense converted code.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><center> CONVERTED AD CODE  </center> <br/> <br/>     </b:if>

You will find on other blogs saying to paste the code below <data:post.body/> but they are all wrong and since most of the bloggers copy the tricks, its spread all over the internet. 

  • Save the template. Open any of your blog post, Bingo your'e done Ads will now display below the post titles.

If you have any update or query regarding this or any other topic feel free to comment below or Contact us. If you like this post, share this with others and comment below. Don't forget to check our other tricks and tutorials. 

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Sunday, 19 January 2014

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Trick To Get High Quality Backlinks from Commenting

Hello Friends, Today I have come up with a very interesting Google queries to find thousands of sites to drop your links and create thousands of  quality backlinks. I personally use this technique and I have seen positive results right from the beginning. It's a must try method that all bloggers specially newbies should adopt. 

I have embedded a special Search form in this post, but before you use it, I would like to define and explain some important terms related to backlinks. 

What Are Backlinks ? 

It is an incoming hyperlink from one web page to another website. Simply they are links back to your site. The more Backlinks you have the more popular your Site or Blog will be. Having large quantity of quality backlinks for your site helps you in many ways. You can get indexed faster by search engines, you will be ranked higher, Your alexa rank will increase. Besides these there are many other advantages too.

Coming Back to the Post, By this query specific search box you will be able to find many types sites and blogs from where you can get quality backlinks by commenting. You can find 

  • .EDU Blogs 
  • .GOV Blogs
  • Anchor text Comment Blogs 
  • Angela's Backlinks 
  • CommentLuv Premium Blogs 
  • DO FOLLOW Comment Blogs   
  • Expression Engine Forums
  • Hub pages
  • KeywordLuv Blogs  
  • LiveFyre Blogs
  • Squidoo Lenses 

Search Box

HtMl Coding for search box by = Iftekhar Ahmed

How to get Quality backlinks from this tool

Here come's the trick. All you have to do is just specify your keyword and select what kind of blog/site you are searching for. After Clicking the submit Button, you will be taken to Google Queried search results. Sort the results as per your choice ( I prefer to SORT AS TIME ). Open each from where you need backlinks and comment there. 

For Example: If you Search Blogging and choose CommentLuv Option it will display a result of all blogging niche posts, pages and websites having CommentLuv enabled in it. This way it worksThis is the best method to find CommentLuv blogs and Do follow blogs as well.   

Also Read: 10+ Overlooked methods for generating Huge Quality Traffic 

Also Read: Trick to get Unlimited Google+ Votes to any Blog Post

Use this frequently and see the results. I hope you like this method, please share this method with other webmasters.  

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Friday, 17 January 2014

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How to Get Instant Traffic from StumbleUpon on Your Site

Hi, friends today I'm bringing you a premium method to get instant traffic via StumbleUpon. As a newbie, my blog doesn't receive much traffic and this problem is same with almost every new blogger. So I frequently search on the internet on how to get high traffic on my blog and other websites. Last week while searching about the same, I came across a video named " How I got my traffic doubled in 1 day ". As usual such videos attracts and I watched the video and followed the steps. 

Within no time I had a boost in my traffic and I was like Woah that's it I've cracked a code. When I did some further research on it, like checking who all from my Facebook friends are on it, the result was amazing. I saw only top bloggers on it, and they indeed made a good reputation on it by sharing their blog posts. This made me sure that StubleUpon is one big source of traffic for them. 

Before knowing how it actually works, I would like to tell all newbies about StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon is basically a Discover Engine that recommends interest specific web content to the users. It is a social network with millions of members where people share web content, photos or videos. It has a very broad list of categories allowing us to find pages and sites of our interest.

Now the question arises, How to Get Instant Traffic from StumbleUpon ??? 
Well its really simple and everyone can easily take advantage of it to get the maximum out of it. 

Firstly, Signup at After signing up it will ask you to select your areas of interest, Don't fill randomly as it an important part. Once you have completed with all your profile related activities, it will lead you to your interest related contents, you can like, dislike or stumble those pages. In this way you may find some really interesting tricks, topics and other content. 

Now its time to add your page and content so that other users find your website too.  Login to your account and go to Submit. Here you can submit your post easily as shown below. Just fill the details accurately and submit it.

Once you submit your post, open up your Analytics and boom. You will be having around 20-50 views on your post. The more likes you get to your post on StumbleUpon the more it will be shared to others. So this way you get Instant Traffic on your Site or blog

MY StumbleUpon Profile

It is not necessary to always go to the link and submit your post, you can easily submit by using a StumbleUpon social widget or even a toolbar having StumbleUpon button. 

Some tips that may help you get more exposure:

  • Follow all your friends and other people of your interests, this way you will also get followed by them.
  • Submit a single post not more than 3 times.
  • Make sure to submit post according to the category, selecting wrong category may not help.
  • Thumbs up all those posts that you like. 
  • Make lists so that, you can have your posts arranged accordingly.  

Please share this trick with other bloggers and comment below your experiences with it. For more Traffic tricks Click Here

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Thursday, 16 January 2014

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Code to Invite All Facebook Friends With A Single Click 2014

Hi friends, I'm back with yet another Facebook trick. This trick is to invite all your Facebook friends to an event or to go like your page.

We know Facebook is the best way to promote any kind of event or any page,  we all create different  pages and events on Facebook but the problem we face is that we don't get enough members or likes.  So we invite all our friends one by one,  but again this is not easy as inviting all your friends one by one will take a  large amount of time.

To save this time which people waste on inviting their  friends I have come up with some scripts. There are some more codes and scripts available on net but those does not work now as Facebook has changed its layout. This trick is latest 2014 edition code without any problem.  Now lets get started.

Note that this works only on Google Chrome browser.

1. First of all open the page where you want to invite all your friends.  Open invite friends option,  a popup  opens.

2. Now press F12 on your keyboard.  Chrome console window opens.

3. Now copy the code given below and paste it in the console window. Press enter. For page invites use the page code and for event invites use the event code given below

Code to Invite All Facebook Friends With A Single Click 2014

var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('uiButton _1sm'); for(var i=0; i<inputs.length;i++) { inputs[i].click(); }

javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type="checkbox" )elms[i].click()}

NOTE: When you copy the above code, our link will also be copied so make sure to remove the link before executing the code in the console window.

It will automatically invite all your friends to your page with just a single click. If you have a long list of friends then this may utilize more time and the page may look unresponsive for some seconds. You can use this code to invite all your friends to any page or event, and it does not come in spamming so don't worry, Facebook won't do anything with your account.

Also Read: Code to Add All Friends to Facebook Group

Also Read: Post to All Facebook Groups By a Single Click
Wasn't  that easy.  I hope you liked it and utilize it to max extent. Share this with your friends and others. MORE FACEBOOK TRICKS Leave a comment below if the code doesn't work, we will change the script. 

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Thursday, 9 January 2014

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How to Add CommentLuv on Blogger Blog

How to add CommentLuv on Blogger Blog

Hi bloggers, today I will be sharing the method to add CommentLuv system on your blogger blog.

We all know that comments are the best and the easiest way to engage in conversations related to your post with your readers. Many of the bloggers know the importance of blog commenting.  I have recently posted on The Basics of BlogCommenting

What is CommentLuv?
Commentluv is basically a plugin or an add-on that first came for WordPress. It allows readers to comment on a post with their own link posted too. It creates a backlink to your blog. You get a link back to your blog posts by commenting on other blogs. So CommentLuv is one of the best commenting system used by webmasters all around the world as it attract visitors to comment. 

For WordPress users adding CommentLuv is very simple, all they need to do is just install the CommentLuv plugin.

But what about those who use blogger platform??
 No problem. There is a solution for blogger users too.

So here are the steps to add commentluv on your blogger site or blog. (Our site is using it)

2. Signup for a new account. After signing up login to your account and install IntenseDebate on your blog as shown below

 3. Fill in your site name. Weather is may be a blogspot domain or your custom domain as shown below.

4. Click on next step. If your domain name is it will directly recognize the platform as blogger and if you put a custom domain, it will ask for your platform as shown below. 

5. After selecting blogger platform. Installation step appears. All you have to do is upload your template you are using on your blog and click "Upload File and Continue" button. (To upload your template, first you need to open your blogger account, go to template editing page, there will be an option to backup your template. Just backup and your complete template will be downloaded. Upload this file).

6. After uploading it will give you the new template file containing IntenseDebate. Just go to your blogger template editing and import this file. Now go to your Intensedebate dashboard. On the bottom right side you can see your sites. Just click on moderate link of the site where you want to put InstenseDebate.

7. Now your current site's dashboard open. On the left side click on plugins.

8. Now, a list of plugins are shown. You will see CommentLuv plugin also in the list. Just click on activate and you are done.

9. Refresh your blog post and you will now be having a CommentLuv system on your blogger blog.

We are using this same system on our blog. You can change many appearance settings from your dashboard.
I hope I have explained every step in detail, However if you have any problems installing this widget Comment below. 
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