Wednesday, 30 July 2014

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How to Check Whether Link is Dofollow or Nofollow

Hi guys, It's good to be back after Ramadan. IftiSEO wishes you all Eid Mubarak. Well, today I have came with a small tutorial on How to Check Whether Link Is Dofollow or Nofollow.

The reason behind this is that I've found many of my blogging friends checking the link status via source code which actually takes some time. Moreover the bloggers who are running event blogs should have to work at a faster rate in building links (via commenting) and for them it's nearly impossible to check up the status of every blog, So this post is for them too.

How to Check Whether Link is Dofollow or Nofollow

Also Read: Trick to get High Quality Backlinks via Commenting

First off let me tell you the advantages of this. 
  • It will help you choose blogs for Blog Commenting
  • It will help you determine DoFollow blogs for building links for your event blogs. 
  • It will help you analyze how your competitiors are balancing thier Links (DoFollow and NoFollow) ratio on thier posts.
  • With this you can check Whether the backlinks you made are nofollow or dofollow.

What are DoFollow & Nofollow Links in Blogging

Well before starting you must know what is a DoFollow Link and what is a NoFollow Link. Since the post is on some other title, I will just give you an overview of it.

No Follow Link: Links which are not Crawled by Google Bot and moreover do not pass any Link juice. They do not help you increase your Page Rank and Rankings.

Do Follow Link: Such Links are crawled by Google Bots and spiders. Having DoFollow links to your blog will help you increase your rankings, Authority and Page rank.

I guess this much is enough for us to move forward. For more on this read this article "Understand DoFollow and NoFollow Link"

How to Check Whether Link is Dofollow or Nofollow 

Download and install the NoFollow Extension in your browser. Once installed it will outline all the nofollow links on the page.

For Mozilla FireFox users, there is a different extension named NoDoFollow

How to Check Whether Link is Dofollow or Nofollow

What does this extension do? 
It's quite simple, the NoFollow extension outlines nofollow links which are marked with rel='nofollow' and links on pages with nofollow robots meta tag. It outlines it as soon as the webpage gets loaded completely. its basically a dofollow and nofollow checker. 

This extension gives you some extra features:
  • It allows you to add sites in "Exception Lists"
  • You can setup your own custom CSS for outlining NoFollow Links
  • You can easily enable and Disable the extension. 

Below are Some Snaps depicting the working of it: 

How to Check Whether Link is Dofollow or Nofollow
Image from ShoutMeLoud Comment section

How to Check Whether Link is Dofollow or Nofollow
Works on Facebook too 

How to Check Whether Link is Dofollow or Nofollow

So what do you think about this extension? 
Will you download it? 
Do you find it useful? 
Do let me know your views in comments.
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Saturday, 26 July 2014

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Pigeon Update: Google Updates Local Search Algorithm

After the recent Panda and Penguin updates, Google recently released a new Local Search Algorithm. The main objective of this update is to provide the users more relevant and accurate local search results.

The Update is named as "Pigeon Update" by Search Engine Land since Google have not given any name to it. The changes will be seen on local google web results as well as on Google maps. 

This update has currently rolled for the US English results. Google haven't shared any information on when it will be available more widely for different countries and other language based searches.

Pigeon Update: Google Updates Local Search Algorithm

Extract by Barry Schwartz
The changes have rolled out to both the Google Maps search results and Google Web search results. Google told me that the new local algorithm has "deeper into their web search capabilities, including the hundreds of ranking signals they use in web search along with search features such as Knowledge Graph, spelling correction, synonyms and more." It also has better accuracy over distance and location rankings.

YELP Problem Solved!!

This update has overcomed the YELP problem. YELP earlier had accused Google of manipulating the search results by showing Google's own directory listings instead of showing Yelp listings even if the user searched for YELP listing. 

Here is an image showing the results before the pigeon update:

Pigeon Update: Google Updates Local Search Algorithm
Pic from SEL

Results after the Update:


Note: Only US users can experience the change now

More Details 

  • Yelp, TripAdvisor, Zagat, Urbanspoon got improvement in their ranking. Most of them are back on page 1
  • Only US English results are affected currently
  • Google said that this new algorithm will improve the distance and location ranking parameters and moreover will aim to provide a more useful and relevant experience for searchers seeking local results, although it will make it more difficult for individual businesses to rank in the search results.

What's your say??

So, what do you think about this update? Are you penalised by Penguin update? 
Do share your views in comments.
Webmasters have also started sharing the changes they witnessed. You can check up in the comments section of Search Engine Land's post. Discussions are under way now on various forums and social networks regarding the update. 
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Saturday, 5 July 2014

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Trick to get Unlimited Google Plus Votes to your Blog Posts

Hello Fellow Bloggers!! Today I�m going to share one more trick that I�ve been using since the past 3 months.

Should I share?? Ahh!! Let�s do it, after all I�ve been getting a lot from my readers as well.

Trick to get 100+ Guaranteed Google Plus Votes to Every Blog Post

So here�s the case, with this trick you can get unlimited Google Votes to any of your link may it be direct domain link or any of your post link.

After so many updates including the recent Penguin and Panda Updates there has been numerous changes in Google SERP rankings. It can be observed that Post Length and Social Strength of a blog are the main key points for getting a good rank in Google.  Writing long posts (around 600-1000 words) is not a big deal for a regular blogger but yeah getting social shares (Fb likes, Google+ Votes, Tweets, Stumbles etc.) is not always an easy task.

Higher the number of social shares higher will be your rank in google (My Own Experiences). So try to get huge social shares onto your posts.

Firstly, Get a good social sharing widget onto your blog so that the reader can easily use them, I prefer Sharethis widget/ plugin. You can also try addthis or any other plugin but make sure you add all the common social network buttons.

How to get Social Shares?

If you have posted good quality content then you will surely get some shares but what if you don�t get good shares. No problem there�s a trick to get shares on each and every network.

Trick to get Facebook Likes. With every share of your post link on Facebook you get a like counted. So share your post on groups related to your post and get likes. You will then get further likes once someone likes your shared post on Facebook.

Trick to get Stumbles:Well StumbleUpon is again a great source of traffic especially from USA, so you must never underestimate the power of it. To get good number of stumbles onto your posts all you need to do is just stumble your post link twice keeping a time difference of 12 hours between both the stumbles. I�m sure if your post has good content you will start receiving good stumbles.

Trick to get Tweets to your posts. Here I�ve explained the method to get tweets to your posts. It�s really helpful and the results have been great so far.

Trick to Get 100+ Google Votes to your Posts

So we are here now!! This is what you�ve been waiting for till now. Since Google+ is a part of Google, it considers it higher than any other social network. Google+ votes are one of the main factors that can decides your social strength in the eyes of Google.

Well the trick is quite simple and let me also tell you that this method is mainly for getting votes rather than traffic from Google+.

Steps to get Google+ Votes
Join Google+ Communities.  Yes!! Join some large communities having huge number of members in it. Just join all of them no matter on what topic they are.

Some Communities I recommend:

So Join around 20-30 Such Big Communities. Also Join some communities related to your blog niche.

Now go to google Image search and search for some Quotes images, Tech images, Funny Images etc and save them into your hard drive. 

How to get 100+ Guaranteed Google Votes to Every Blog Post
Save the IMAGES to your HARD DRIVE
Here comes the tricky part. Open up any community and upload the image you saved earlier with your Post link.
How to get 100+ Guaranteed Google Votes to Every Blog Post
Add your POST URL in place of <YOUR LINK>

Hit the Share button. Now you will start getting good number of Plus ones on your photo as well the link you added in the text. (What actually happens is that, the members of the community will vote your photo but since you have also added your link to it, you will get a vote to your link as well.) Isn�t it tricky??
Here are some snaps showing the votes I got by sharing the pics along with my URL.

 How to get 100+ Guaranteed Google Votes to Every Blog Post

Here is a snap showing one of my post getting 91 G+ Votes. I just uploaded 3 images with the post link and you can see the result.

How to get 100+ Guaranteed Google Votes to Every Blog Post

Repeat this with every link and you will start getting Votes to your posts.

BONUS: You can also earn with this trick. There are many people out there at SEOCLERKS and Fiverr who are willing to pay 1$-5$ for 100 Google Plus Votes. So now you know the trick, make some gigs/services of Selling Google+ Votes and Earn money. Join SEOCLERKS Under My Link and get 5$ Free

I hope you liked this trick!! I will be waiting to hear from you. Why not help us by hitting those social buttons below, after all sharing is caring. 
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Wednesday, 2 July 2014

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Hey Bloggers!! Is Your Blog On The Right Track?

Today�s post will be on self-examination.

A foolish being will continue to do things and not take evaluation of what he�s gotten himself or herself to or what he or she has achieved. 

When you get yourself in some kind of business, it is wise to make sure you stay back and ask yourself some questions like; what have I achieved from this business I have got myself to, have i made profits or have I loss, should I continue in the business or quit it and find some other business to do.

Hey Bloggers!!! Are You on the Right Track?

How to Know You Are Off the Track

I am a fan of Progress and I�m sure you do.
As a blogger why will I continue blogging, without a result? Imagine you are blogging for years and you still can�t figure out how to sky rock your blog. Let us see some pointers that will really show us we or you are off the track.

You are off the track when�.

Your Email List is Not Growing

Building an Email list is not only the best way to get traffic but a good record of people following your blog and people learning from your blog.

If you are blogging for years and still don�t have a record of people you send mail to or notify that you have a new blog post, then you are not doing it the right way.

Your Traffic Remains Stagnant

Another factor to check to know you are on the right track is your traffic.

I�m sure you know how important traffic is to your blog. Traffic show you how many people are viewing your blog.

If no one is viewing your blog or you have a low view on your blog, then you have to check again and analyse, how am I sharing my post and who am I sharing them to.

Not Making Money

I will like to pose this to bloggers over one year, although a less than one year blogger is already making, but for some people who are trying to figure out some stuffs like having problem in getting a Paypal, countries like Nigeria, Ghana and other countries, I will not Judge you

But remember that will not only be for sometimes, you must get that done. Check out how to get a Paypal Account.

So, if you are more than a year in blogging, I guess you have a PayPal account and you should be making money.

Money is not the reason why you blog, but it is the reward for doing a great work on your blog and if you are not making money despite the fact that you have gained experience, then you are probably on the wrong track.

You Continue to Fall in Mistakes 

Mistakes make you stronger and make you succeed at the end, but when a challenge overwhelms you over and over again, and then you need to call yourself to attention and make it right.

No Comment is Rolling In

As traffic is a way of checking who is viewing your blog, so also is comment a way of checking engagement with your blog.

If you lack engagement on your blog then you should check out to see what the problem is. Is it your design; is it your content, your comment plugin or what?

Over my period of blogging, I have always encouraged engagement even over traffic, or what is the essence of the views without their participation. 

How to Get Back on the Right Track

I have always learned giving solutions about problems and so I will be showing you some tips on how to get yourself back on the track on the listed areas above.

Email List

Email list is one thing bloggers crave for and they are several ways it can be done. 

People can decide to join willing just because you deliver great post while some will join because of what you want to give out, probably books, themes or whatever. 

One of the simplest way to grow your email list is to find a series of topic that is relatively related to each other, put them together, give it a name and offer it as an e-book.


In the aspect of traffic. There are several ways you can get yourself back on the right track and these ways are the general ways but how do you make it work for yourself? That is the question I will like to answer.

To get traffic to your blog is more than juts posting or sharing your blog post anywhere. It is about getting active on where you share them. 

If you share on social networks, forum, communities and groups, you have to be active. The essence of becoming active makes you recognized for quality information. 

You don�t have to spend the whole day on those platforms, just dedicate 30 � 45 minutes of your time and you are going to see a change. 

Money Making: 

In the aspect of making money also, there are several ways of making money through your blog. 

Note, you did not create that blog because you want to make money; you created it because you wanted a business of your passion and that business will definitely bring you money. 

As blogger, you can make money by reviewing sites, advertising, Google AdSense, Consultancy and several more. 

When your blog is not yielding you money, you may likely be discouraged and you are likely to shut down your blog, just because there is no money to renew your hosting plan, no money to access the internet and the likes.

I Guess You Check This Out: Tips for Raising a Dead or Dying Income


The question is how do you handle mistakes? You are a failure if you continue and continue to fall in the pits of mistakes. Mistakes or challenges are bound to come up but how do you treat them, when they re-occur.

So the first advice I will give is to have a mentor that will guide your blogging career and monitor every moves you try to make on your blog. 

Another advice to always read on likely problems you are going through at that particular time. 

Reading articles will guide and protect you from those pits and it is noticed that once you can correct a mistake yourself, then you can do it anytime once that challenge re-occur. 

Blog Comment:

Hmm, comment is very essential when you a blog is been setup. The first thing I challenged and solved on my blog was comments. 

I realize that traffic without comment is nothing. Who is seeing your traffic? Unless you show the audience. 

Comment is the only way your audience can know that you and your blog are really rocking in the blogosphere. 

One of the first ways to make sure comments are rolling in on your blog is by commenting on other blogs. The Principle is simple, comment on my blog and I will return the favour. 

Another way is by building relationship. I learnt this from my favourite blogger Madam Adrienne of and it has been working so well for me too. 

You can build relationship with bloggers by sharing their posts, either on your blog, with your twitter followers or with your Facebook friends. 


Hey Bloggers!!!, I guess I have discussed the right things here and I hope you are on the right track. Hope I have given you ways you can get back on the right track. Let me know through the comment box, remember to subscribe to this blog and make sure you share with folks by using the social sharing buttons.
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